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There are two different trunks in the.

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I have also adjusted slots for these objects! zip has all the info on polycount and categories.

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I forgot to mention that the wall items are moveable up and down and and '.The trunk, as seen by the bedframe, is functional as a storage chest.Both the phone and the clock are functional as alarm clocks, and the heart wall light is also functional.The minifridge acts as a regular, base game fridge akin to the Hydra boba minifridge or the Mini-Freeze on MTS, rather than the University Life minifridge that only gives snacks.The bedframe is separated because I didn't want to remap everything,.The bed is functional! I repeat, THE BED IS FUNCTIONAL! It has some clipping issues with the pillows while relaxing, and the blanket when a bigger or male Sim gets out of the bed, but it's minor and still functional!.EVERYTHING except the wall calendar, the textbook, and posters are fully recolorable (but the posters have the pin recolorable).There are 19 items (20 including a duplicate of the trunk that uses a different script),.zip file! A collection file has also been provided! I have worked REALLY hard making some of these functional and fully recolorable whenever possible! All credits go to Mechtasims! Further info is in a text file in the.

sims 3 cc finds tags

Happy Simblrween 2023! And whew, my first OBJECT set! I've worked really hard on this set, and now my right hand is very, very exhausted after typing and clicking and constantly opening TSRW.

Sims 3 cc finds tags